More Americans Considering Early Social Security Claims: Pros and Cons

 Claiming Social Security early can provide additional income for people who are in need of extra money at a younger age. However, there are drawbacks:
1. Taking Social Security benefits early will result in lower monthly payments and therefore a lower overall lifetime benefit than if you wait until full retirement age (67).
2. There is a risk that the reduced monthly payments may not be enough to maintain a given standard of living, especially as inflation increases over time and prices rise as well.
3. Early claims may also reduce how much the beneficiary receives from Survivor Benefits, since those depend on when the original claimant passed away and how large the benefits were at that time; thus, this could negatively affect loved ones who depend on these funds later on in life.
4. Taking Social Security too early may also impact beneficiaries’ ability to receive Medicare or Medicaid, depending on their circumstances, since eligibility depends on the amount of income one earns when claiming Social Security benefits, as well as other factors such as assets and residence location; this could have an adverse effect later on if those services become necessary but can’t be obtained due to lack of proper eligibility requirements being met beforehand due to taking the payment early on in life.


Retirement planning has become increasingly complex in recent years, with many Americans grappling with concerns about inflation, recession fears, and the future of Social Security. Consequently, a growing number of working individuals are contemplating early claims of their Social Security benefits while continuing to work. In this article, we delve into the factors driving this trend and explore the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision. We’ll also touch upon tax considerations and offer expert tips on retirement planning.

The Rise of Early Social Security Claims

Recent surveys reveal a notable shift in retirement plans among Americans. In 2022, 42% of respondents in a Nationwide Retirement Institute survey indicated their intention to file for Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age, while also remaining employed. This percentage marked a noticeable increase from the 36% recorded in 2021.

Under current regulations, individuals who have contributed to the Social Security system can opt to claim their benefits as early as age 62. However, this decision comes with a trade-off, as it can result in a monthly benefit check that is up to 30% less than what they would receive at full retirement age, typically between ages 66 and 67, depending on the year of birth. For each year beyond full retirement age that one delays claiming, the Social Security payment increases by 8%, maxing out at age 70.

As of February 2023, the average monthly Social Security payment for all retirees stands at $1,693.88. In contrast, a 62-year-old retiring in the same year would receive an average payment of $1,247.40, while the full retirement age of 67 would yield an average of $1,782 per month. Over a 20-year retirement period, this monthly difference of $534.6 adds up to over $128,000 in additional retirement income, without factoring in potential cost-of-living adjustments that are made annually to counter inflation.

It is crucial to note that claiming benefits early is not inherently wrong. In many cases, individuals are forced into early claims due to circumstances such as corporate downsizing, age-related hiring discrimination, illness, or the need to care for an ailing family member.

The Break-Even Point

One crucial concept to consider when contemplating early Social Security claims is the “break-even” point. This refers to the age at which the total benefits collected by claiming at full retirement age exceed the total benefits that could have been collected by starting early. According to financial planners, this point typically falls around age 80.

To illustrate this, let’s use the average benefit amounts for this year. Someone who starts collecting benefits at age 62 would accumulate more than $254,000 over 17 years before they could have collected slightly more by waiting to claim the higher full-retirement benefit. By the year 2040, the higher benefit amount for waiting would produce slightly over $2,000 in additional total cash (without adjusting for inflation).

Tax Considerations

While Social Security benefits themselves are not taxable, one drawback of receiving them early is that many beneficiaries continue to work, potentially making a portion of their benefits subject to taxation. This tax applies to anyone collecting benefits who receives additional income.

For single tax filers, if the combined income (adjusted gross income plus nontaxable interest income from bonds and half of Social Security benefits) exceeds $25,000, they will be taxed on 50% of their benefits, up to a limit of $34,000 in income. Beyond this threshold, 85% of their benefits become taxable. Joint tax filers have slightly higher limits, with taxation beginning at $32,000 of combined income and reaching 85% at $44,000.

Is Early Social Security Right for You?

The decision to claim Social Security benefits early or wait until full retirement age is highly individual and depends on various factors, including financial circumstances, health, and employment status. It is essential to evaluate your unique needs and apply your Social Security strategy accordingly. If you continue to work while receiving benefits, be sure to estimate the potential tax penalty and plan accordingly.

Expert Tips on Retirement Planning

Retirement planning extends far beyond the decision of when to claim Social Security. To navigate this complex terrain effectively, consider these expert tips:

  1. Consult a Financial Advisor: Partnering with a financial advisor can provide valuable insights into crafting a comprehensive retirement plan tailored to your goals, risk tolerance, and timeline.
  2. Assess Your Needs: Carefully assess your financial needs during retirement, accounting for expected expenses, healthcare costs, and potential emergencies.
  3. Diversify Investments: Ensure your investment portfolio is diversified to mitigate risk and maximize returns.
  4. Create a Budget: Establish a realistic budget for your retirement years, accounting for both essential and discretionary expenses.
  5. Plan for Healthcare: Factor in healthcare costs, including insurance premiums, deductibles, and potential long-term care expenses.
  6. Maximize Retirement Accounts: Take advantage of tax-advantaged retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs to save efficiently.
  7. Review Your Plan Regularly: Keep your retirement plan flexible and revisit it periodically to adapt to changing circumstances and financial goals.

In conclusion, the growing trend of early Social Security claims among Americans reflects the evolving landscape of retirement planning. However, this decision should be made after careful consideration of the potential advantages and disadvantages. While claiming early can provide immediate financial relief, it may also result in reduced long-term benefits and tax implications. To make informed choices about your retirement, consult with a financial advisor who can guide you through the complexities of securing a comfortable and financially stable future.


FAQs on Early Social Security Claims and Retirement Planning

1. FAQ: When can I start claiming Social Security benefits, and how does it impact my retirement income?

Answer: You can begin claiming Social Security benefits as early as age 62. However, doing so will result in a reduced monthly benefit, often up to 30% less than what you would receive if you waited until your full retirement age, typically between 66 and 67. Waiting to claim beyond full retirement age increases your benefit by 8% per year, up to age 70.

2. FAQ: What is the “break-even” point in early Social Security claims, and why is it significant?

Answer: The “break-even” point refers to the age at which the total benefits collected by claiming at full retirement age exceed the total benefits collected by starting early. This point typically falls around age 80. It’s essential to consider it when deciding between early claims and waiting for a higher benefit.

3. FAQ: Are Social Security benefits taxable if I continue to work while receiving them early?

Answer: Yes, Social Security benefits can be subject to taxation if you continue to work while receiving them early. The amount of taxation depends on your combined income, which includes your adjusted gross income, nontaxable interest income from bonds, and half of your Social Security benefits. The tax can apply to up to 85% of your benefits if your income exceeds certain thresholds.

4. FAQ: What factors should I consider when deciding between early Social Security claims and waiting for full retirement age?

Answer: Several factors should influence your decision, including your current financial situation, health, expected expenses in retirement, and employment status. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you make an informed choice that aligns with your unique circumstances and goals.

5. FAQ: What are some essential tips for effective retirement planning beyond Social Security decisions?

Answer: Effective retirement planning extends beyond Social Security. Consider consulting a financial advisor, assessing your financial needs, diversifying your investments, creating a budget, planning for healthcare costs, maximizing retirement accounts, and regularly reviewing your retirement plan to adapt to changing circumstances and goals.


  1. Early Social Security Claims
  2. Retirement Planning
  3. Full Retirement Age
  4. Social Security Benefits
  5. Break-Even Point
  6. Taxation of Social Security Benefits
  7. Retirement Income
  8. Financial Advisor
  9. Diversified Investments
  10. Healthcare Costs in Retirement

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