Evaluation du site

 Généré le 22 Décembre 2022 23:54

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Le score est de 57/100

Optimisation du contenu


Data Engineering, Data Strategy & Machine Learning | phData

Longueur : 59

Parfait, votre titre contient entre 40 et 70 caractères.


phData knows data. We're expert data engineers, data strategists and machine learning implementers. Our managed data services are end to end. Contact us for more information.

Longueur : 174

Idéalement, votre balise META description devrait contenir entre 90 et 160 caractères (espaces compris). Utilisez cet outil gratuit pour calculer la longueur du texte.


Très mauvais. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de balise META keywords sur votre page. Utilisez ce générateur gratuit de balises META en ligne pour créer des mots-clés.

Propriétés Open Graph

Bien, cette page profite des balises META Open Graph.

Propriété Contenu
locale en_US
type website
title Home
description phData knows data. We're expert data engineers, data strategists and machine learning implementers. Our managed data services are end to end. Contact us for more information.
site_name phData
image:width 1200
image:height 628
image:type image/png
video:type text/html
video:duration 153
video:width 480
video:height 270

Niveaux de titre

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 22 15 4 0 0
  • [H1] Snowflake Partner of the Year 2022
  • [H2] Our Services
  • [H2] phData is trusted by
  • [H2] We bring ambitious machine learning and analytics initiatives to life
  • [H2] Industry Expertise
  • [H2] Take the next step with phData.
  • [H2] Data Engineering
  • [H2] Consulting, Migrations, Data Pipelines, DataOps
  • [H2] Change Management, Enablement & Learning
  • [H2] COE, Coaching, PMO
  • [H2] Data Science and Machine Learning Services
  • [H2] MLOps Enablement, Prototyping, Model Development and Deployment
  • [H2] Strategy Services
  • [H2] Data, Analytics, and AI Strategy, Architecture and Assessments
  • [H2] Reporting, Analytics, and Visualization Services
  • [H2] Elastic Operations
  • [H2] Industries
  • [H2] Solutions
  • [H2] Accelerate and automate your data projects with the phData Toolkit
  • [H2] Check out our latest insights
  • [H2] Company
  • [H2] Technology Partners
  • [H2] Other Technology Partners
  • [H3] Data Engineering
  • [H3] Data Science and Machine Learning
  • [H3] Strategy
  • [H3] Reporting, Analytics, and Visualization
  • [H3] Elastic Operations
  • [H3] Change Management, Enablement, and Learning
  • [H3] Financial Services
  • [H3] Manufacturing
  • [H3] Retail and CPG
  • [H3] Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • [H3] Be The Match and phData
  • [H3] Self-Service, Integrated Analytics, Dashboards, Automation
  • [H3] Data Platforms, Data Pipelines, and Machine Learning
  • [H3] Why Your Organization Needs a Code AND No-Code Option
  • [H3] How to Automate and Customize Power BI Deployments with CI/CD Pipelines
  • [H4] Join our team
  • [H4] Partners
  • [H4] Resources
  • [H4] Software


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Ratio texte/HTML

Ratio : 3%

le ratio de cette page texte/HTML est au-dessous de 20 pour cent, ce qui signifie que votre site manque de contenu textuel.


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Dommage, vous avez des Iframes sur vos pages Web, cela signifie que son contenu ne peut pas être indexé par les moteurs de recherche.

Réécriture d'URLs

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Liens dans la page

Nous avons trouvé un total de 40 lien(s) dont 0 lien(s) vers des fichiers

Texte d'ancre Type Juice
Data Science and Machine Learning Interne Passing Juice
Strategy Interne Passing Juice
Reporting, Analytics, and Visualization Interne Passing Juice
Elastic Operations Interne Passing Juice
Change Management, Enablement, and Learning Interne Passing Juice
Privacy Policy Interne Passing Juice
Accessibility Policy Interne Passing Juice
Website Terms of Use Interne Passing Juice
Security Interne Passing Juice
Data Processing Agreement Interne Passing Juice
Data Engineering Interne Passing Juice
Why Your Organization Needs a Code AND No-Code Option Interne Passing Juice
How to Automate and Customize Power BI Deployments with CI/CD Pipelines Interne Passing Juice
Home Interne Passing Juice
Manufacturing Interne Passing Juice
Retail and CPG Interne Passing Juice
Financial Services Interne Passing Juice
Healthcare and Life Sciences Interne Passing Juice
Call Center Analytics Services Interne Passing Juice
Snowflake Native Streaming of HL7 Data Interne Passing Juice
Snowflake Retail & CPG Supply Chain Forecasting Interne Passing Juice
Software Interne Passing Juice
Data Coach Overview Interne Passing Juice
Course Collection Interne Passing Juice
Blog Interne Passing Juice
Case Studies Interne Passing Juice
Videos Interne Passing Juice
Events Interne Passing Juice
Whitepapers and eBooks Interne Passing Juice
Dashboard Library Interne Passing Juice
About phData Interne Passing Juice
Leadership Interne Passing Juice
Careers Interne Passing Juice
AWS Interne Passing Juice
Azure Interne Passing Juice
Dataiku Interne Passing Juice
Snowflake Interne Passing Juice
Tableau Interne Passing Juice
Other Technology Partners Interne Passing Juice
Contact Interne Passing Juice


Nuage de mots-clefs

services      learn      more      machine      help      match      learning      phdata      data      analytics     

Cohérence des mots-clefs

Mot-clef Contenu Titre Mots-clefs Description Niveaux de titre
data 13
phdata 10
more 8
help 7
learn 6



Domaine :

Longueur : 9


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Erreurs : 15

Avertissements : 64

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Parfait : votre site tire parti de gzip.


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