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Video Production Stack Exchange

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Q&A for engineers, producers, editors and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video and media creation

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site_name Video Production Stack Exchange
title Video Production Stack Exchange
description Q&A for engineers, producers, editors and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video and media creation


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  • [H1] Explore our questions
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  • [H3] current community
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  • [H3] more stack exchange communities
  • [H3] How can I distinguish a freeze frame from the moving parts of the video?
  • [H3] Importing multiple images into premiere, getting the same one multiple times
  • [H3] Finding the main comp, not the pre-comps in my group of project compItems
  • [H3] Pan & zoom from still image with green screen
  • [H3] How to select the first frame of a clip?
  • [H3] ffmpeg - duplicated frames
  • [H3] Is there a way to inject/restore spherical metadata into a VR180 mp4 file?
  • [H3] What adapter do I need to merge two microphones as L and R channels?
  • [H3] Mpeg file not playing to the end - how to fix corruption
  • [H3] How to change the font and color on multiple keyframes at once | Adobe After Effects
  • [H3] DaVinci Resolve 18 - no "Cancel" and "Save" buttons in the Metadata editor panel
  • [H3] FFMPEG: Choosing the right win_func for showfreqs
  • [H3] FFMPEG VMAF consistently low rating despite quality encode
  • [H3] Convert mp4 to webm in a reasonable time
  • [H4] Stack Exchange Network
  • [H4] Hot Network Questions
  • [H5] Video Production
  • [H5] Company
  • [H5] Stack Exchange Network


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How can I distinguish a freeze frame from the moving parts of the video? Interna Passing Juice
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Importing multiple images into premiere, getting the same one multiple times Interna Passing Juice
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Finding the main comp, not the pre-comps in my group of project compItems Interna Passing Juice
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How to select the first frame of a clip? Interna Passing Juice
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ffmpeg - duplicated frames Interna Passing Juice
ffmpeg Interna Passing Juice
Is there a way to inject/restore spherical metadata into a VR180 mp4 file? Interna Passing Juice
video-editor Interna Passing Juice
metadata Interna Passing Juice
vr Interna Passing Juice
Chairman_Mao Interna Passing Juice
What adapter do I need to merge two microphones as L and R channels? Interna Passing Juice
audio Interna Passing Juice
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Mpeg file not playing to the end - how to fix corruption Interna Passing Juice
How to change the font and color on multiple keyframes at once | Adobe After Effects Interna Passing Juice
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DaVinci Resolve 18 - no "Cancel" and "Save" buttons in the Metadata editor panel Interna Passing Juice
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FFMPEG VMAF consistently low rating despite quality encode Interna Passing Juice
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Convert mp4 to webm in a reasonable time Interna Passing Juice
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